

KAREV Dmitrij pilot's profile

0 place in rating 2001 of discipline "regularity rally" (Russia) (29.25 points)
Starts from 02.09.2000: 13     Wins: 0 (0%)

Last competition
Date Race Place
24.11.01 "Grand Prix Auto.ru Autumn" MASLOV Andrej
64 from 80
04.08.01 "Summer holidays" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
18 from 32
28.06.01 "Grand Prix Auto.ru Summer" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
34 from 77
24.03.01 "Grand Prix Auto.ru Spring" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
33 from 67
24-25.02.01 "Old New Year" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
11 from 36
02-03.09.00 "Lights of Moscow" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
14 from 15
25.05.02 "Grand Prix Auto.ru Spring" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
33 from 64
24.11.01 "Grand Prix Auto.ru Autumn" MASLOV Andrej
64 from 80
04.08.01 "Summer holidays" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
18 from 32
28.06.01 "Grand Prix Auto.ru Summer" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
34 from 77
24.03.01 "Grand Prix Auto.ru Spring" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
33 from 67
24-25.02.01 "Old New Year" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
11 from 36
02-03.09.00 "Lights of Moscow" MAJSURADZE Svetlana
14 from 15