

PATOKA Dmitrij codriver's profile

7 place in rating 2024 of discipline "regularity rally" (Russia) (90.06 points)
Starts from 24.07.2016: 46     Wins: 5 (10.87%)

Last competition
Date Race Place
29.09.24 "Special Purpose Garage Museum Rally"
PATOKA Veronika
1 from 72
21.09.24 "Petersburg"
PATOKA Veronika
3 from 20
03.08.24 "Moscow region"
PATOKA Veronika
9 from 24
14.07.24 "Museum of Transport Rally"
PATOKA Veronika
1 from 80
30.06.24 "On the seven hills"
PATOKA Veronika
2 from 22
08.06.24 "Autostrada - Tula"
PATOKA Veronika
4 from 20
02.06.24 "Polytechnic Museum Rally"
PATOKA Veronika
9 from 80
18.05.24 "Our Victory"
PATOKA Veronika
3 from 27
21.04.24 "Capital"
PATOKA Veronika
6 from 25
17.09.23 "Moscow autumn"
PATOKA Veronika
12 from 23
13.05.23 "Our Victory"
PATOKA Veronika
5 from 16
06.05.23 "Autostrada - Tula"
PATOKA Veronika
3 from 17
23.04.23 "Capital"
PATOKA Veronika
7 from 30
18.02.23 "Christmas Tree Winders"
PATOKA Veronika
4 from 26
10.09.22 "Petersburg"
PATOKA Veronika
6 from 21
31.07.22 "Capital"
PATOKA Veronika
16 from 29
18.06.22 "Night Moscow (Absolute)"
PATOKA Veronika
11 from 25
11-12.06.22 "Autostrada - Tula"
PATOKA Veronika
4 from 16
28.05.22 "Moscow region"
PATOKA Veronika
2 from 21
17.04.22 "On seven hills"
PATOKA Veronika
6 from 26
02-03.10.21 "1000 versts"
PATOKA Veronika
3 from 30
26.09.21 "Capital"
PATOKA Veronika
8 from 26
11.09.21 "Smolensk"
PATOKA Veronika
9 from 23
17.07.21 "Zhiguli"
PATOKA Veronika
1 from 21
03.07.21 "Petersburg"
PATOKA Veronika
11 from 18
19.06.21 "Hope"
PATOKA Veronika
5 from 28
12.06.21 "Autostrada - Tula"
PATOKA Veronika
4 from 17
06.06.21 "On seven hills"
PATOKA Veronika
2 from 23
30-31.01.21 "1000 versts"
PATOKA Veronika
1 from 30
17.10.20 "Smolensk"
PATOKA Veronika
1 from 30
26.09.20 "Autostrada - Tula"
PATOKA Veronika
8 from 21
19.09.20 "On seven hills"
PATOKA Veronika
10 from 32
22.08.20 "Kaluga"
PATOKA Veronika
10 from 23
17-18.07.20 "Touring Assembly Jaguar Classic Open"
PATOKA Veronika
8 from 15
21.09.19 "Smolensk"
PATOKA Veronika
2 from 26
14.09.19 "Velikij Novgorod"
PATOKA Veronika
5 from 18
17.08.19 "Autostrada Kaluga"
PATOKA Veronika
21 from 25
28.07.19 "GUM"
PATOKA Veronika
5 from 89
23.06.19 "On seven hills"
PATOKA Veronika
2 from 30
12.06.19 "Autostrada Tula"
PATOKA Veronika
2 from 21
08-09.06.19 "Leningrad"
PATOKA Veronika
8 from 25
25.05.19 "Nizhny Novgorod"
PATOKA Veronika
18 from 58
18.05.19 "Our Victory"
PATOKA Veronika
12 from 25
01-07.05.19 "Nahimov"
PATOKA Veronika
2 from 22
23.07.17 "GUM-Vesna-Autorally" PATOKA Boris
62 from 117
24.07.16 "GUM-Autorally Gorkyclassic (Absolute)"
PATOKA Veronika
78 from 133